Kniwwelino and MQTT
Recently I had the chance to play around with a Kniwwelino , and wanted it to communicate with my custom MQTT Broker (Mosquitto). Although there is a lot of Documentation on Kniwwelino’s Site, it is lacking some examples for using a custom MQTT Broker. In this post I share my experiences and findings with any Kniwwelino user.
I have some Network Cameras linked to motioneye software. When motioneye detects significant change in a series of frames it publishes a string to a MQTT Topic on a private Broker. The Kniwwelino is subscribed to this Topic, and turns the LED to RED (motion detected) or Green (motion clear). The Kniwwelino also has 2 clickable buttons, if any Button is clicked, it publishes a string to a MQTT Topic
#include void setup() { //Initialize the Kniwwelino Board Kniwwelino.begin(true, true, false); // Wifi=true, Fastboot=true, MQTT Logging=false Kniwwelino.MQTTsetup("", 1883, "username", "password"); Kniwwelino.MQTTconnect(); Kniwwelino.MQTTonMessage(messageReceived); Kniwwelino.MQTTsubscribe("keller/cam1"); } void loop() { if (Kniwwelino.BUTTONAclicked()) { Kniwwelino.MQTTpublish("keller/cam1", String("A")); } if (Kniwwelino.BUTTONBclicked()) { Kniwwelino.MQTTpublish("keller/cam1", String("B")); } Kniwwelino.loop(); // do background stuff... } static void messageReceived(String &topic, String &payload) { if (topic=="keller/cam1") { if (payload == "ON") { Kniwwelino.RGBsetColorEffect(String("FF0000"), RGB_ON, -1); } else if (payload == "OFF") { Kniwwelino.RGBsetColorEffect(String("00FF00"), RGB_ON, -1); } else { Kniwwelino.RGBsetColorEffect(String("0000FF"), RGB_ON, -1); } } }
The magic happens in the setup() :
How to connect to your MQTT Broker:
Kniwwelino.MQTTsetup("", 1883, "username", "password");
Tell Kniwwelino to connect:
Initialise the MQTT subscription routine:
Setup the MQTT Topic to subscribe to:
Now, inside your main programm you can call different functions :
Publish String “A” to Topic if Button A is clicked :
if (Kniwwelino.BUTTONAclicked()) {
Kniwwelino.MQTTpublish("keller/cam1", String("A"));
Listen for incoming messages on topic
static void messageReceived(String &topic, String &payload) {
if (topic=="keller/cam1")
If message received is “ON” turn on LED to RED (#ff0000)
if (payload == "ON") {
Kniwwelino.RGBsetColorEffect(String("FF0000"), RGB_ON, -1);
If message received is “OFF”, turn the LED to GREEN (#00ff00)
else if (payload == "OFF") {
Kniwwelino.RGBsetColorEffect(String("00FF00"), RGB_ON, -1);
else {
Any other message turns the LED to BLUE (#0000ff)
Kniwwelino.RGBsetColorEffect(String("0000FF"), RGB_ON, -1);
That’s it ! Thank you for reading, I hope this will help anyone in their future Projects.
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