Category: Workshops

Visonic PowerMax Alarme am Home Assistant

Mir hunn eng relativ “al” Alarmanlag déi zu enger Zäit installéiert ginn ass wou d’Hiersteller nach keng Cloud Serviceer haten fir se à Distance ze verwalten. Den offiziellen Zousatz Modul vum Hiersteller kascht +300€, an dat ouni d’Installatioun. Ech hunn et fir ënnert 10€ hikritt.

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Smarty – Energie Verbrauch vum Haus an Echtzäit am Home Assistant

Smarty mam P1 Kabel (schwaarz)

Viru kuerzem krute mir den neien Elektresche Compteur, Smarty genannt, installéiert. CREOS / ENOVOS weist drop hin dass een dës néi “Smart” Compteuren un säi System uschléissen an Donnéeën auswäerten kann. An dësem Artikel weisen ech wéi ech de Smarty am Home Assistant intégréiert hun.

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Sonos / Media Player / Luuchten mat engem Taster steieren

D’Apparater vu Sonos sin eng fein Saach, just nervt mech dass ech ëmmer muss ee Smartphone /Tablet bei Hand hunn fir d’Lidder ze wiesselen oder d’Lautstäerkt anzestellen. Besonnesch bei der Spull heescht et fir d’éischt d’Hänn ofdréchnen, Handy huelen, App starten an da lass. An dësem Artikel presentéieren ech meng Léisung fir solch Aktioune mat engem eenzelen Taster ze realiséieren.

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Dem Knéckjang säin Ambilight

Kodi mam Ambilight Plugin

Dëser Deeg am Keller ass mir eng Iddi komm fir d’Medie Erliefnis während dem Fitness Training ze verbesseren. Mat e puer bëllege Xiaomi Yeelights hunn ech mir ee bëllegen Ambilight Upgrade fir meng Televisioun zougeluecht.

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Kniwwelino – Publish and subscribe to custom MQTT Broker

Kniwwelino programming Board. Image courtesy of

Kniwwelino and MQTT   Recently I had the chance to play around with a Kniwwelino , and wanted it to communicate with my custom MQTT Broker (Mosquitto). Although  there is a lot of Documentation on Kniwwelino’s Site, it is lacking some examples  for using a custom MQTT Broker.  In this post I share my experiences and …

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Home Assistant: One-click System Check with color light

Home-Assistant System Check Message

  Goal One button launches a Home Assistant script which checks if all Doors / Windows  are closed and  all Lights are turned off, and sends a message containing the name of the open sensor . Finally a Light is turned on with a specific color code: The button can be  a “virtual” switch inside …

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Home Assistant – Plot a Graph with Object’s Attributes

  Intro Home Assistant is a great Home Automation Software. It provides features and benefits that surpasses the software provided by the Hardware Manufacturers by far. One such example are my TP-Link HS110 Smart WiFi Plugs with Energy Monitoring. The provided App by TP-Link (Kasa) is limited: only one Smartphone or Tablet can manage the …

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Enable SSL for playsms

During research on how to setup an Open-Source SMS Gateway on a Raspberry PI, I needed to switch the default protocol used by playsms to the more secure https (SSL). (For WebServices use, see article ManageEngine AD Self Service Plus Custom SMS Gateway) Here’s how I did it : Enable SSL for the Apache playsms …

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Odroid XU3/4 Silent Fan Control in Lakka / OpenElec

If you are an owner of an Odroid XU4, you are probably annoyed by the noisy fan. In this workshop we will modify the behavior of an Odroid XU4 Fan. No Hardware Modification, only software tweaks are used. By default, the fan is always running at full speed and is pretty noisy. There is no …

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Mission RGB : Super Famicom

I bought a brand new RGB Cable from It’s alredy the 3rd cable I order from their Store. (first 2 were for the Neo Geo and Mega Drive) This time, it’s for my Super Famicom, and the first one with the Composite SYNC (CSYNC) Option. This CSYNC Option is only available for NTSC Models. …

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Neo Geo – How to fix broken RGB output (missing color)

After hooking up my Neo Geo with a RGB Cable, I noticed that colors did not render properly. Image was all “yellowish”, which did not appear when connected with it’s original (composite) cable.

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Retropie – Tips ‘n Tricks

Edit 03/2017 : This post is heavily outdated. I recommend using Lakka as your system of choice for your Raspberry Pi. Have a look and test it, you won’t miss Retropie! I think that we can all agree that the Raspberry Pi is a wonderful piece of Hardware. Using Retropie, I wanted to be able …

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